23-27 September 2024
Kasuga Campus, University of Tsukuba
Asia/Tokyo timezone
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Tensor network toward the lattice QCD

25 Sep 2024, 11:25
Kasuga Auditorium (Kasuga Campus, University of Tsukuba)

Kasuga Auditorium

Kasuga Campus, University of Tsukuba

Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8550, Japan
Invited oral Nuclear and subnuclear physics Session


Shinichiro Akiyama (University of Tsukuba)


Tensor networks provide a new approach to studying quantum many-body problems. In particle physics, tensor networks are attracting attention as a novel numerical method, particularly for lattice theories with the sign problem. In this talk, recent progress in tensor networks for particle physics, toward their future applications to the lattice QCD, will be discussed.

Primary author

Shinichiro Akiyama (University of Tsukuba)

Presentation Materials

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