23-27 September 2024
Kasuga Campus, University of Tsukuba
Asia/Tokyo timezone
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Superfluid Band Theory for the Neutron Star Inner Crust

24 Sep 2024, 17:30
Kasuga Area, University of Tsukuba

Kasuga Area, University of Tsukuba

Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8550, Japan
Board: 9
Poster presentation Poster session


Kenta Yoshimura (Tokyo Institute of Technology)


In the inner crust of neutron stars, a Coulomb lattice of nuclei exists, immersed in a sea of superfluid neutron gas. The interplay between these nuclear crystals and the background neutrons may significantly alter nuclear dynamics, a phenomenon known as the "entrainment" effect, which is crucial for understanding several astronomical phenomena.

In our study, we have developed new self-consistent calculations that fully account for both superfluid effects and band structure effects. We have extracted the "effective mass" of free neutrons through the real-time method.

In this presentation, we will show the formalism and methodology of our calculations, as well as further extensions towards comprehensive simulations of the subnuclear properties of neutron star matter.

Primary author

Kenta Yoshimura (Tokyo Institute of Technology)


Kazuyuki Sekizawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

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