23-27 September 2024
Kasuga Campus, University of Tsukuba
Asia/Tokyo timezone
The RPMBT22 has finished! Thank you for your participation.

Tensor networks and new classical heuristics

25 Sep 2024, 10:55
Kasuga Auditorium (Kasuga Campus, University of Tsukuba)

Kasuga Auditorium

Kasuga Campus, University of Tsukuba

Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8550, Japan
Invited oral Session


Garnet Kin-Lic Chan (California Institute of Technology)


I will discuss
(i) some recent progress to improve the expressivity of tensor networks
(ii) the rate of convergence of tensor network calculations and the error dependence of this classical heuristics
(iii) some new classical algorithms for many-body systems motivated by noisy quantum simulation.

Primary author

Garnet Kin-Lic Chan (California Institute of Technology)

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