1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Flow of process

  1. Submission of proposals
    1. Prepare the application form
    2. Online submission (Deadline: January 23rd, 2025)
    3. Register the project members (Deadline: January 31st, 2025)
  2. Post-acceptance process
    1. Notification of the selection results by email (by March 23rd, 2025)
    2. Confirm the allocated resources
    3. Create the user accounts
  3. Project period (April 1st, 2025 -- March 31st, 2026)
  4. Post-project process
    1. Submit the progress report (April, 2026)
    2. Present the interim/progress report in the CCS symposium (around October, 2026)

See also an illustrated workflow [Japanese/English].


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