1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Proposal submission

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Applicants must have an active user account. The email address of the user account is registered as that of the project leader. Thus, it must be a correct and active email address. If you want to change the email address of your account, after login your indico account, go to "My profile" --> "Settings" --> "Emails". Then, add your new email address and press "Set as primary".
After the submission, all the project members, including the project leader himself/herself, must register themselves from "Member registration" at the left menu.
After the submission, check again whether your submission properly contains all the necessary information and the attached PDF file is correct. You may modify the submission anytime, until the deadline of the submission.

申請書提出には、アカウントを作成する必要がある。このアカウントのメールアドレスが、代表者のメールアドレスとなるため、必ずメールを受け取れるアドレスを登録すること。過去に作成したアカウントのアドレスが無効になった(なる)場合には、"My profile" --> "Settings" --> "Emails"と進んで、新しいメールアドレスを登録し、"Set as primary"に設定。
提出後、必ず提出した内容が正しいか、添付したPDFファイルが正しいか、確認すること。提出締切まで、何度でも変更は可能(submission guideを参照)。

The call for abstracts is closed.
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