MCRP 2019
Center for Computational Sciences (CCS), University of Tsukuba, is operating the following supercomputers.
- Oakforest-PACS (OFP): 25 PFLOPS. Supercomputer with many-core processors (Knights Landing architecture), operated under collaboration between University of Tokyo and University of Tsukuba, since April 2017.
- Cygnus: 2.4 PFLOPS (double precision floating-point operation). Supercomputer equipped with GPU (NVIDIA V100) and FPGA (Intel Stratix10). It is scheduled to start operation from May 2019.
CCS provides about 30 % of the resources of OFP owned by University of Tsukuba (about 10 % of the total resources), and 50 % of the total resources of Cygnus to this program, MCRP-2019.
- Call for project proposals [ PDF (Japanese), PDF (English) ]
- Application Forms
- Guide for proposal submission [ PDF (Japanese&English) ]
- Guide for member registration [ PDF (Japanese&English) ]
Period of application: January 5, 2018 - February 3, 2019, 24:00
Deadline of member registration: February 7, 2019, 24:00
Notification of selection: March 22, 2019
Project period: April 1, 2019 - March 30, 2020
Interim report meeting: Autumn, 2019
Final report meeting: Autumn, 2020